Sá þessa frábæru mynd hans Mike Leigh fyrir mörgum, mörgum árum og hin magnaða dómsdagsræða mr. Thewlis hefur svona hálfpartinn suðað í kollinum mínum undanfarna daga.
Þetta svona poppaði allt í einu upp...situr eitthvað í mér þetta með enga peninga og "No one shall be able to buy or sell without that mark."... Hver veit. Kannski er fjandinn laus? Aldrei að vita...(ekki að maður sé sérstaklega inni á þessari línu samt... )
Dómsdagsspár hafa verið æði margar til þessa og heimsendir alltaf á næsta leiti. Þetta ætti að vera löngu komið ef marka má spárnar allar. En ef hann kemur þá er bara að skella sér í spandexið, aflita hárið og dansa á kolunum. Er þaggi?
Skellti inn textanum úr handritinu fyrir neðan... svona ef þetta skyldi vefjast eitthvað fyrir þér...
Has nobody not told you, Brian, that you've got
this kind of gleeful preoccupation with the future?
I wouldn't even mind,but you don't even have a fucking future. I don't have a future. Nobody has a future.
The party's over. Take a look around you, man. It's all breaking up.
Are you not familiar with the Book of Revelations of SaintJohn...the final book of the Bible prophesying the Apocalypse?
Yes, as it happens, I'm familiar with all the books of the Bible.
I'm very happy for you. "He forced everyone to receive a mark on his right hand..."or on his forehead so that no one shall be able to buy or sell..."unless he has the mark, which is the name of the beast...or the number of his name, and the number of the beast is ."
- ! I know about it.
- Great.
I know about Nostradamus. Nostradamus talked about three brothers. Did he mean the Kennedy brothers or was he talking about three bits of the Soviet Union?
- You see? You just can't tell.
- Fuck Nostradamus! I'm not talking about Nostradamus or Mother Shipton or Russell Grant or Mystic-fucking-Meg. I'm talking about the holy fucking book!
What can such a specific prophecy mean?
What is the mark?
Well, the mark, Brian, is the bar code, the ubiquitous bar code...that you'll find on every bog roll and every packet of johnnies...and every poxy pork pie. And every fucking bar code is divided into two parts by three markers. And those three markers are always represented by the number six.
Six, six, six.
Now, what does it say? "No one shall be able to buy or sell without that mark."
And now, what they're planning to do in order to eradicate all credit card fraud...and in order to precipitate a totally cashless society...what they're planning to do, what they've already tested on the American troops...they're gonna subcutaneously laser-tattoo that mark onto your right hand or forehead.
They're gonna replace plastic with flesh.
In the same Book of Revelations,when the seven seals are broken open..on the Day ofJudgment
and the seven angels blow the trumpets...when the third angel blows her bugle,
wormwood will fall from the sky...wormwood will poison a third part of all the waters...and a third part of all the land, and many, many, many people will die.
Now, do you know what
the Russian translation for "wormwood" is?
- No.
- Chernobyl.
On August the the 18th 1999, the planets of our solar system are gonna line up into the shape of a cross.
- I don't believe in astrology.
- I'm not talking about astrology! I'm talking about astronomy.
They're gonna line up in the fixed signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio...which just happen to correspond to the four beasts of the Apocalypse... as mentioned in the Book of Daniel.
Another fucking fact!
Do you want me to go on? The end of the world is nigh, Bri.
The game is up!
I don't believe that.
Life can't just come to a stop.
All right, I'm not saying that life will end...or the world will end or the universe will cease to exist...but man will cease to exist.
Just like the dinosaurs passed into extinction, the same thing will happen to us.
We're not fucking important.
We're just a crap idea.
I'm not gonna cease to exist.
I'm gonna be here in the future.
What is this fucking fixation with the future?
Listen, pal, I've got chronic systolic palpitations...and acute fucking neuralgia.
You see, the thing is, Brian...that God is a hateful god.
Must be...because if God is good, then why is there evil in the world?
Why is there pain and hate and greed and war?
Doesn't make sense.
But if God is a nasty bastard, then you can say, "Why is there good in the world? Why is there love and hope and joy?"
Well, let's face it. Good exists in order to be fucked up by evil.
The very existence of good enables evil to flourish. Therefore, God is bad.
And it doesn't matter how many past or future existences you have...because they're all gonna be riddled
with grief and anguish...and sickness and death.
You see, Brian, God doesn't love you.
God despises you.
So there's no hope...
and mankind
is just a component of the device...by which the devil creates itself.
Are you with me?
You see, what I'm saying, basically, is...you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs...and humanity is just a cracked egg..
and the omelet stinks.