sunnudagur, október 26, 2003

Lag vikunnar er Mad World með Gary Jules.... úr myndinni Donnie Darko sem átti nú nokkur fyndin og skemmtileg kvót.... þannig að kvót dagsins eru úr henni:

Gretchen: You're weird.
Donnie: Sorry.
Gretchen: No, that was a compliment.


Kitty Farmer: No Duh. Duh is a product of fear


Donnie: You are such a fuckass!
Elizabeth: Did you just call me a fuckass?! You can go suck a fuck!
Donnie: Oh, please, tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fuck?!


[before a dance performance]
Kitty Farmer: Okay, now girls... I want you to concentrate. Failure is not an option. And Bethany, if you feel the need to vomit up there... just swallow it.


[Donnie tries to kiss Gretchen and she pulls away]
Donnie: Well I-I, sorry I--
Gretchen: Donnie wait--
Donnie: I like you a lot--
Gretchen: I just want it to a time
Donnie: When what?
Gretchen: When it reminds me just...
Donnie: When it reminds you of how beautiful the world can be?
Gretchen: Yeah...
[turns her head]
Gretchen: and right now there's some fat guy over there staring at us