mánudagur, nóvember 24, 2008

Hot money in-Hot money out

Who could have predicted a revolution in Iceland?

Hér er nokkuð ágæt grein úr Huffington Post þar sem skrifarinn fjallar m.a. um stóra blöffið, byltinguna, sýnir youtube myndband af látum fyrir utan lögreglustöð og viðtal við Kaupþingsmann:

"I asked the Head of Research at Kaupthing Bank, if when the global debt bubble did burst, the people might 'rise up' in anger as they did in France in the 1780's. He laughed at the question"

Horfðu á þetta. Einkar áhugavert:

Hot money in -hot money out... segir blaðamaðurinn og grunar að það verði eflaust tvær kynslóðir í að við látum plata okkur svona aftur. En hann talar jafnframt um að fleiri sitji í súpunni: 

But as Iceland begs from its kind Scandinavian neigbours, so we too, who also bought into the free lunch theory of economics, have gone begging from the oil rich Gulf nations to pay our bills:
The United States has asked four oil-rich Gulf states for close to 300 billion dollars to help it curb the global financial meltdown, Kuwait's daily Al-Seyassah reported Thursday. Quoting "highly informed" sources, the daily said Washington has asked Saudi Arabia for 120 billion dollars, the United Arab Emirates for 70 billion dollars, Qatar for 60 billion dollars and was seeking 40 billion dollars from Kuwait.